December 7, 2010

Fall Fun

These are the photos I submitted for the October photo club meeting, before the HDR assignment. The October theme was "Fall Fun".

And It Was All Yellow 
This is from a set of engagement shots I did for my friend and his fiancĂ©. I told them the entire time how awesome this tree in the background made them look until they believed it... fools. I do really like this one though, I will probably post the rest from this set on Thursday, on account that my interwebz are terribly slow at my house and there is a lot of them to upload, so I will wait until I can use my cousin's bandwidth. 
Red On Night
This is an HDR I made at Missouri Western State University, where I attend. I liked this one because the color from the statue matched the trees. 

Tree Stages

Another one taken at MWSU. I don't know what they use that  field for in the background, being there is a much larger one just to my right, out of this frame. With this one it shows the stages of fall colors from green to yellow to red. this is how they appeared that night also, no color manipulation was done in post production.

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